Monday 19 October 2015

Mish-mash vegan wrap a la Manès

I have been recently invited to a celebratory dinner by my dear freund Manès. In return (and under some undeniable pressure ;)) I made a promise to him that I will post the results of his cooking endeavours here if he prepares sth interesting ;) Since his performance was really up to the standard and he managed to impress me, here it is: mish-mash vegan wrap a la Manès! 

Unfortunately, I only took a picture of the filling itself, you'll have to use your imagination to conceptualise the end result. While the cooking technique for this dish remains a secret, if you would like to try making it you'll need the following ingredients:

potatos (pre-cooked)  
red pepper
salt & pepper for seasoning

and of course some tortilla wraps :)

The filling goes well with rice and guacamole, a recipe for which you can find here.

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